Monday, January 06, 2025
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A Column On Assistive & 'Boomer' Friendly Technology


When I was 30 years old the warranty on my body ran out. Systems started failing and tech support wasn't a whole lot of help. Re-booting wasn't an option and calls to the manufacturer.... Well let's just say the‘answers' are still a point of discussion. It's not like it was the‘blue screen of death' or anything, but it is chronic... (Multiple Sclerosis). It has caused me to have a different perspective on most things because where I sit.... is in a wheelchair.

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Dragon Naturally Speaking

We haven't reviewed voice dictation software for several years. The last version of Dragon Naturally Speaking that we looked at was probably somewhere around version 6. Nuance, the company that acquired the Dragon software system, has recently released version 10 of the Dragon Naturally Speaking Professional series. It was received with great anticipation. We eagerly installed it on a test system, after which I sat there quietly thinking to myself, "what am I going to say about this product?" And that's when it hit me. 'Saying' is what it's all about with speech recognition software.

dns10_prof_m.png This minor epiphany led me to decide that I would give it the same test an average user would give it. I would ignore most of the instructions while maintaining high expectations for success. I installed it and immediately started dictating. To say the least, I was astounded. Accuracy was over 95% out-of-the-box. And to be completely honest, I did a few things that aren't necessarily recommended out-of-the-box.

Read more: Dragon Naturally Speaking

Oh No You Didn’t

Nuance's PDF Converter Professional 6.0

One of my associates spent hours writing a paper and sent it to me to proofread.  I read the document and jotted down my ideas, typed in some comments, a little cut here, a little paste there, a whole bunch of deletions with research references, and then, in a moment that can only be described as distracted creativity (?), promptly saved it overwriting the original file.  Yikes!

That’s when the “Oh No You Didn’t!rang out through the office.

Fortuitously, I had printed out the original document. Even more fortunately, our office had been sent a copy of PDF Converter Professional 6.0 from Nuance Communications for review. 


Read more: Oh No You Didn’t

Are Your Arms Getting Shorter?


The Uniden EZ Phone 

As a card-carrying member (AARP) of the baby boomer generation I am surprised by new challenges every day.  One of my favorites is the ongoing battle between the length of my arms and the size of the print on everything I read from newspapers to phone screens. 

Let’s talk about the telephone, who among us could function without it?  Every household has several. Some are wired, more and more are wireless.   Sometimes using the phone is the bane of my existence.  Tiny buttons, tiny numbers and tiny screens with even tinier writing do nothing for a member of the bifocal generation.

, one of today’s leading electronics manufacturers heard my anguish and designed the CEZAI998.  Its features are designed specifically for those whose eyes and ears are not what they used to be.  

Read more: Are Your Arms Getting Shorter?

Bleeding Green

Kill A Watt™ EZ from P3 International

We all talk about energy efficiency, the high cost of fuel and electricity, inflation, recession, rising costs, stagnant incomes, the environment, along with an endless list of other related issues. The question is how many of us really do something about it? What can we do to actually save some money and energy? electrical plugs1.jpg Sure we can make an effort to turn lights out after we leave the room or shut down the PC when not in use (or at least turn off the monitor). The big ones are easy to spot and easy to correct. No one has to explain that the new refrigerator is going to be more energy efficient than the 20 year old one it replaces. But what about the little stuff?

Read more: Bleeding Green

From Where I Sit

A New Column On Assistive & 'Boomer' Friendly Technology

Over the years I have made adjustments to my home, office, car etc.  For what I paid for my wheelchair accessible van I could have been happily driving a new top-of-the-line sports car. Oh well! 

With so many disabled adults as well as aging baby boomers in this country, many advances have been made in an attempt to level the playing field. There are times, however, when I wish the designers of some of these devices were put in a wheelchair and asked to demonstrate their accessibility.

To items claiming to be "handicapped accessible", I say, "I'll be the judge of that". To other items that appeal to the aging Boomer population, well.... I'll be the judge of that too, but I just may be a bit more forgiving in my opinions.

Let Me Tell You Where to Put Your Hearts and Flowers

It's important that you understand that this column is not a cry for sympathy. The title of this section should tell you that. My goal is to utilize products and give you an honest opinion of how well they work for me.

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